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오는 EKC 2023에서 진행될 EKC 2023 special session을 다음과 같이 안내/전달드립니다.
EKC 2023 Special Session:
Frontier Research Opportunities through EU & International Grants & Fellowships
A series of special sessions is organized by the European Research Council (ERC) National Contact Point and Human Frontier Science Program Board Member of Korea, aiming to introduce international grant and overseas fellowship opportunities funded by the EU- and International Organization Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) to Korean researchers based in Europe as well as in Korea. Also, we will cover EU Horizon Europe in general, since Korea is negotiating with EU to gain associated status in Horizon Europe.
The speakers include Prof. Pavel Kabat, the Secretary-General of HFSP, and EC officials from DG Research and Innovation and EU DGEAC, NRF Korea, and ERCEA to introduce each organization’s funding and address the audiences’ questions.
Part 1: Introducing Grant & Fellowship opportunities funded by EU & International Organization HFSP
Different funding schemes such as ERC grants, Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), and Horizon 2020 thematic projects will be presented by appropriate experts from the ERC, DGEAC (Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, for MSCA), and DGRI (Directorate-General for Research & Innovation for Thematic projects of Horizon 2020). Funding tracks, recent trends, along with data of Korean researchers’ participation. will be introduced.
- Date: August 16th (Wed) 13:00 – 14:30 (tentative)
- Room: TBD
Part 2: Testimonials & Experience-sharing by Korean Grantees & Fellows
Europe- and Korea-based Korean ERC grantees, MSCA fellows & HFSP awardees will present their application experience and share know-hows of success. They will share their efforts, trials, failures & successes in getting grants, in addition to how the grants helped them to establish their research career in Europe & Korea, in hopes of giving insight to fellow researchers. They will be available to answer questions from the audience.
- Date: August 17th (Thu) 15:50 – 17:20 (tentative)
- Room: TBD
Part 3: Next Generation S& T Leaders’ Forum (tentative)
This session, organized by the support of EKC 2023 organizers, is mainly for emerging scientists (i.e., students and post-docs). It will cover information regarding international collaboration and fellowship opportunities funded by the EU- and Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), introduce success stories, encouragements, and career advises. Time is allotted to address audiences’ questions. The speakers and panels will include Prof. Pavel Kabat, the Secretary-General of HFSP, EC officials, and ERCEA.
- Date: August 15th (Tue) 15:10 – 16:40 (tentative)
- Room: TBD
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